The Playful School Library

4 hours
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5 students

The Playful School Library

5 Students
NOTE:  For our e-learning training you will require a connection with camera and microphone ability.  When training, cameras are expected to be on, and when asked to respond via the chat, comments to be added.  This is to show engagement and attendance.  If there is no camera or engagement certification cannot be issued.
Programme Overview
The Playful Library – Sparking Creativity Through Game Based Learning and Gamification
Delivery Model Online Face to Face session
What is Included
  • Certificate of attendance.
  • Course material (if applicable).
  • AED 720 per delegate plus 5% VAT
  • Discounts available for 3 or more delegates from the same school
Deadline booking date
Wednesday 9th October 2024
Training dates
Wednesday 20th November 2024
Thursday 21st November 2024

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (UAE time)
Programme breakdown
  • Two 2-hour online, live facilitated sessions.
  • Participant self-directed personal exercise time.
  • Opportunity to ask questions and meet other delegates via ZOOM.
Platform Online
Target audience

PRIMARY and SECONDARY School librarians or teachers wanting to know more about and gain practical experience of how to teach through the medium of game-based learning or gamification or how to use such initiatives as a promotional tool for the library.

Aims of the course

This course draws upon that experience looking at the application of game-based initiatives for the learning environment and takes examples from her recently published book. We will look at the need for creativity as lifelong learners and discover the differences between gamification and game-based learning. The course delves into the psychology of why game-based learning initiatives can be effective learning tools. The course will cover all types of games from those that are simply oracy based, non-digital and role play to the most innovative modern digital approaches – in all cases focusing on interactivity and engagement for specific learning outcomes as well as considering play as a promotional tool within the library.

Intended outcomes
  • Gaining an overview of the pedagogical theory behind game-based learning
  • Understanding how game-based learning in practice can be used to enhance engagement and creativity resulting in positive learning outcomes
  • Practical tips for using and creating different tools for game based learning as simple slide shows, games with a physical stimulus and live games for whole school or class engagement
  • Discovering ideas for promotion of the library services to all members of the school community using game-based and gamification techniques

Sarah Pavey

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31 students
0.0 Avg Review
Sarah Pavey has worked as a teacher librarian for many years, both in the independent and maintained sectors in the UK. She has published several professional books and is also a co-author of "The Innovative School Librarian". Her new publication “Playing Games in the School Library” was published in September 2021. Sarah has spoken at numerous teaching and library conferences and training events, most recently at the World Education Summit. Sarah holds a post 16 teaching certificate and is involved with the training of teachers and librarians on a regular basis in a variety of areas.

Programme details:

Learning through playing games has a proven track record of being an effective methodology since the time of ancient civilisations. This course will help delegates use their creativity to design games for use for specific learning outcomes. Although the examples will be drawn from library-based topics there will be opportunities for the principles to be applied in any subject area and any age group but rooted in pedagogical theory. As they say “you are never too old to play!” We will also be considering how we might use games and gamification to increase engagement with the library from all of our school community.

This course draws upon that experience looking at the application of game-based initiatives for the learning environment and takes examples from her recently published book. We will look at the need for creativity as lifelong learners and discover the

differences between gamification and game-based learning. The course delves into the psychology of why game-based learning initiatives can be effective learning tools. The course will cover all types of games from those that are simply oracy based, non-digital and role play to the most innovative modern digital approaches – in all cases focusing on

interactivity and engagement for specific learning outcomes as well as considering play as a promotional tool within the library.

*  Times are UAE 1:00pm to 3:00pm via ZOOM.

Session 1:
What is game-based learning and gamification?

  • How do we define these terms? A look at the psychology behind the use of these techniques. How can we be sure students will engage in this style of delivery?


Game design for specific learning outcomes.

  • What are the criteria we need to consider for an effective game? How we can involve students in game design. A look at different types of game to cover all budgets, ages and abilities. Exercise will be set to be completed overnight.


Session 2:

  • Feedback from the set activity on game design. How does a rewards-based system motivate students and why does this sometimes fail? Using points-based reading schemes effectively


Using games to promote engagement with the library

  • How can we use games and gamification to increase use of the library services? How can we use this approach to enhance engagement with events such as World Book Day or other promotional opportunities? How can the use of games extend use of the library into the wider school community?


Sarah Pavey
4 hours