All posts by Richard Churches

Richard Churches

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About Me
Dr Richard Churches is Lead Adviser for Education Reform and Evidence Based Practice at Education Development Trust. As a government adviser, he has had a lead role in numerous large-scale reform programmes across the world. He is currently Programme Director for the Department for Education’s maths and physics post-graduate route into teaching, Future Teaching Scholars and led the DfE’s Teacher-Practitioner research into Workload Reduction across English schools. Richard has supported teacher-led RCT projects across the world and is currently leading a programme of teacher-led research into science pedagogy funded by the Wellcome Trust. He is co-author of Teacher-Led Research: How to design and implement randomised controlled trials and other forms of experimental research and of Neuroscience for Teachers: applying brain science in the classroom (with Eleanor Dommett and Ian Devonshire). An e-book version of Teacher-Led Research is included in the course fee and is integrated into the programme.
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