Safer Recruitment & Understanding the Single Central Record

7 hours
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Safer Recruitment & Understanding the Single Central Record

 Programme Overview
Safer Recruitment & USCR
Delivery Model Face to Face session
What is Included
  • Certificate of attendance.
  • Course material (if applicable).
  • AED 1500 per delegate plus 5% VAT
  • In-school bespoke training is available.  Please contact Rebecca Annand for more information.
Deadline booking date
Training date and times
Friday 1st November 2024
7:30am to 12pm

Programme breakdown

  • 1/2 Day Face to Face Training

Office 109, Discovery Tower, Studio City, Dubai
Target audience


The course is designed to help you as a:

  • School leader
  • Designated safeguarding lead
  • HR
  • Single Central Record owner
  • Governor
Aims of the course

This course covers a range of topics designed to enhance your safer recruitment process and maintained safeguarding checks.  During the course we identify the different checks required for the single central record and discuss not only why we do them but how. 

This course addresses the challenges relating to the SCR and contractors, agency staff and volunteers including an international context.

This course identifies legislation that underpins the reasons why we include or choose not to include certain people in our record and discuss some of the different strategies around monitoring the SCR. 

Intended outcomes

This advanced course is designed to equip safeguarding leaders and Single Central Record (SCR) owners with the skills and confidence required to understand what an effective single central record looks like in practice and in preparation for an inspection

The Safeguarding Alliance

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30 students
0.0 Avg Review
A MULTI-SKILLED ALLIANCE: The safeguarding risks and issues are changing all the time, so there are no safeguarding experts. Instead, there are specialists who have a singular focus on safeguarding, bringing a unique set of skills and understanding to every organisation and situation. That is how we operate at The Safeguarding Alliance. We bring together a range of professionals from a diverse range of sectors, all of whom are passionate about safeguarding and have many years of experience in the field. We work with some of the world’s most high-profile organisations and are internationally renowned for our work helping to shape safeguarding practice. AN INTERNATIONAL APPROACH: Our Alliance consists of organisations from around the world who share a mutual passion and drive to put an end to safeguarding failings. We work with governments and organisations across the world, and act on an international level to encourage global standards and practices. We research, develop and promote policy and deliver education and training, all with the aim of driving forward safeguarding excellence.

Course Summary

Are you responsible for recruitment within your Organisation?

This course will support you to fully understand your role in hiring the best people who comply with your school’s Safeguarding Standards.

The Course will explore:

  • The roles and responsibilities;
  • Embedding Safer Recruitment practice
  • An example best practice Single Central Record;
  • The minimum requirement for the Single Central Record; – What pre-employment checks should be included;
  • Updating and maintaining staff files;
  • Storing information and data retention;
  • Ongoing quality assurance and compliance;
  • How to audit the Single Central Record;
  • What best practice looks like;
  • Next steps


Day One  
08:45 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:30 Session 1
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee Break.
10:45 – 12:15 Session 2
12:15 – 12:45 Q&A
12:45 Finish


There is an expectation for Governing bodies and proprietors to appoint a designated safeguarding lead. The designated safeguarding lead should take lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection (including online safety). The designated safeguarding lead and any deputies should undergo training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. The training should be updated every two years.

Keeping children Safe in Education Draft 2020


The Safeguarding Alliance
1 Day