About Me
Jayne has considerable experience in managing and supporting children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties and has provided support and advice to schools within Warrington Local Authority as an SEMH Lead Teacher. She has also been part of a team of reviewers for Peer-to-Peer Reviews of whole school SEND; chaired her local SENCo cluster; served on EHCP Provision & Placement panels and supported ‘new to role’ SENCos within the LA.
Additionally, Jayne has spent over 10 years as a SENCo, leading inclusion at her last school to Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM), Flagship status, in 2020. The 3-year project for IQM enabled Jayne to work with Zena Martin and Wendy Lee (Lingo Speech) to develop Speech, Language and Oracy throughout the school. This led to Jayne being invited to speak about the journey and impact of the project at the University of Bath’s inaugural Developmental Language Delay (DLD) Parents Conference in October 2019.
Jayne has been a primary school teacher, in Cheshire and Warrington, for over 25 years – the latter 12 years fulfilling her passion for teaching and supporting children with additional needs. She has worked in both a specialist school for children with autism and a Designated Provision class within a mainstream school.
Prior to attaining her PGCE in 1993, Jayne was an Induction and basic skills tutor for adults.
In her spare time, Jayne is a Governor of a specialist school for young people with social, emotional and mental health needs and a trustee and volunteer for the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust (CAFT) charity. With a strong creative drive, Jayne can often be found with a paintbrush or crochet hook in hand or alternatively engrossed in her latest good book!